Friday, November 13, 2015

ধর্ম পাপ মোচন বা ক্ষমার নামে অবিচার নয় বরং বিচার প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য

ধর্ম অপকর্মকারী,  ষড়যন্ত্রকারী, পাপীদের অপকর্ম করার হাতিয়ার নয় বা অপকর্ম করে শাস্তি হতে পার পাবার ঢাল নয় বরং অপকর্মকারীদের শাস্তি প্রদানের জন্য এবং নিরীহ ভুক্তভোগীদের অধিকার নিশ্চত করার জন্য। অপকর্ম করে যারা ধর্মকে নানা ওযুহাতে শাস্তি হতে পার পাবার জন্য ঢাল বানাতে চায় তারা মূলত তাদের ধর্মকে কলঙ্কিত করছে। যে ধর্ম অপকর্মকারী, ষড়যন্ত্রকারী,  অন্যের অনিষ্ঠককারীদের শাস্তি হতে মাপ পাবার মিছে পন্থা শিখায় তা মূলত অন্যায় বিস্তার করার ধর্ম। প্রকৃত ধর্ম অবশ্যই অন্যের বিরুদ্ধে অন্যায়কারীদের বিপক্ষে  এবং প্রকৃত ধর্ম সবসময় প্রায়শ্চিত্ত করার জন্য ও অন্যায়  থেকে মুক্ত থাকার জন্য তাগিদ দেবে

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

আপনার পবিত্র ও সম্মানের বিষয়টি অন্যের বিবেচনায় ঘৃণার হতে পারে, কাজেই সহনiশলতা
(What they are learning - by whom and how, days after days from the time immemorial? What justifications, sense of responsibilities; what realization about and connectivity with God do they feel and manage in their thinking, activities and decisions? Some days ago, it was told about susceptible stupids who are always in the dress of religion but think little before actions. What roles their religion plays in guiding them - they do not think, they just start to fling on the sky as soon as they hear crow has taken their ears, and they start searching on the ground as soon as they hear pennies fallen on earth. Once it was heard somewhere that bestowing in any mosque carries bliss from all mosques. Similarly abhorring a mosque is same as abhorring all the mosques. This is the ground protestation and retaliation comes from here and there if any of the mosques is abhorred or attacked. But the careless people who seldom respect ordinary passersby and who never hesitate to avoid showing minimum level of respects that any human being deserves are from the political family of Kha khaleda and Go- sayedee - they gratuitously stand or cross before the nose to scratch in the mind. Explicitly they are so busy in their religious activities and in counting bliss that they seldom feel the necessity of using their sense and aptitude to realize whether their thinking and activities have any connectivity with the God. That stupids might be good example, as per the category of human beings by Bhagoban, of Tammossik or Rajassik. They criticize and delude people on streets by raising questions about inappropriate curtains or veils of the belonging females, but they can't ensure religion in managing the virginity and keeping the membranes of their own offsprings unbroken until legally married. They say to pass on the benefit of bestowing in one mosque to all mosques though the donor might be in prostitution business. Personally not knowledgeable, but it was published in newspaper, that villagers beat and killed some innocent persons of a hospital as soon as the villagers heard announcement from the mike of a mosque that robbers entered the village. Questions come to that religious persons who are responsible for that killing incident? Does that go to all mosques? One side doesn't express everything, both the two sides of a coin contain the identity. Your respected things/Kibla may be a matter to abhor by others. From the long time, they are respecting and rushing towards and kissing the Kibla that they believe holy but in fact being kissed by many people rushing towards after having the experience of kissing human gentiles. That may be treated holy by you, but that is a material smeared by the lips of many persons who have kissed the dirty gentiles, (forbidden) in the eyes of many of your religious persons. That's why your place of respect may be a place to hate by some other persons)

যুগ যুগ ধরে মানুষ কি শিখছে, কিভাবে কারা শিখাচ্ছেন? তাদের কর্মকান্ড, চিন্তাভাবনায় বিবেক বিবেচনা, বিচার বিশ্লেষণ, সৃস্টিকর্তার সাথে তাদের আত্মার বন্ধন কতটুকু বিদ্যমান থাকে! কিছুদিন আগে টুইরা সর্মথকদের বিষয়ে বলেছিলাম। যারা কান চিলে নিয়েছে বললে আকাশে ঢিল ছোড়ে আর টাকা পরেছে বললে মাটিতে খুজতে থাকে- তাদের উপর তাদের ধর্মের প্রভাব কতটুকু। কেউ একজন পথে বলছিল, কোন একটি মসজিদে দান করলে সকল মসজিদে দান করা হয়। আবার কোন একটি মসজিদকে ঘৃণা করলে সকল মসজিদকে ঘৃণা করা হয়। তাই কোথাও মসজিদের প্রতি ঘৃণা বা হামলা দেখলে, সর্বত্র প্রতিহিংসায় ব্যস্ত হয়ে উঠে। কিন্তু চলার পথে যে মানুষগুলো মানুষকে অবজ্ঞা করে অযাচিত নাকের ডগার সামনে দিয়ে হেটে যায় বা রাস্তা ক্রস করে, কিংবা নাকের সামনে এসে দাড়ায় তারা সাধারনত সেই খা খালেদার রাজনৈতক পেটের গো-সাইদির সন্তান। তারা বাহ্যিক ভাবে ধর্ম কর্ম এবং সোয়াবের হিসাবে এতটাই ব্যস্ত যে তাদের সিদ্ধান্তগুলো ও কর্মকান্ডে সৃস্টিকর্তার সাথে কোন বন্ধন রক্ষা হচ্ছে কিনা তা উপলব্ধিতে তারা আদোও তাদের বিবেক বিবেচনা বা চিন্তা শক্তি ব্যবহারের প্রয়োজন অনুভব করেন বলে মনে হয় না। ভগবানের ভাষায় তামস্যিক ও রাজস্যিকদের যে পরিচয় দেখা যায় তাতে ঐ টুইরাগুলোই হয়ত উপযুক্ত উদাহরনে পরিনত হতে পারে। তারা পথে ঘাটে পরনারীর মাথার ঘোমটা বা বোরকার কথা বলে মানুষকে হেয় করবে অথচ নিজ কন্যা সন্তানদের যৌনাঙ্গের পর্দা বিধি মোতাবেক বিয়ের পূর্ব পর্যন্ত বহাল রাখতে পারেনা না। তারা এক মসজিদে দানের সোয়াব সকল মসজিদে পৌছে দেয়ার কথা বলে, তা তারা তাদের ধর্ম বিরোধী অবৈধ নারি ব্যবসায় জড়িত হলেও। কিন্তু কিছুদিন আগে একটি সংবাদ ছিল কোন একটা পত্রিকায় ,( সত্য মিথ্যা জানা নেই) একটি মসজিদ থেকে ঘোষনাা করা হয় ডাকাতের কথা বলে, তারপর সে এলাকার মানুষজন পিটিয়ে কোন একটি চিকিৎসা সেন্টারের কয়েকজনকে হত্যা করে। ঐ ধার্মিকদের প্রতি প্রশ্ন ঐ হত্যাকান্ডের দায়ভার কার? তা কি তাদের সকল মসজিদের? মুদ্রার এক পিঠ নয়, উভয় পিঠেই মুদ্রার পরিচয় থাকে। একজনের সম্মানের বিষয় অন্যদের জন্য ঘৃণার হতে পারে। যুগযুগ ধরে তারা যে পাথর মূখী এবং যে পাথর চুম্বনে তারা যুগ যুগ ধরে ধাবিত হয়, যাকে তারা পবিত্র মনে করে; সেখানে কিন্তু তাদেরই অনেকে যৌনাঙ্গ চুম্বনের ঠোট নিয়ে ছুটে যায় তাদের সেই পবিত্র পাথর চুম্বনে। অাপনার কাছে তা পবিত্র হতে পারে, কিন্তু অাপনাদের ধর্মের অনেকের বিবেচনায় তা নোংরা কিছু যৌনাঙ্গ চুম্বনকারী ঠোটগুলোর চুম্বনে ভরপুর বলে বিবেচিত হতে পারে। আপনার সম্মানের স্থানটি তাই ঐ ঠোটগুলোর কারনে অন্যের জন্য ঘৃণার বস্তু হিসাবে বিবেচিত হতেই পারে।

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

যারা রাজনীতি করেন, যাদের উপর দেশ পরিচালনার দায়িত্ব তাদের সাবধান হওয়া প্রয়োজন। ন্যায়ের পক্ষে থাকুন, মেধার পক্ষে থাকুন, সে পক্ষে একজন হলেও একজনের পক্ষে থাকুন। লক্ষ লক্ষ টুইরা ভোটের জন্য টুইরাদের পিছনে ছুটবেন না। কারন, তাদের কে যদি বলা হয় কান চিলে নিয়েছে, তারা যেমন আকাশ পানে ঢিল ছোড়া শুরু করতে পারে ; ঠিক তেমনি যদি বলেন টাকা পরেছে, তারা নিচের দিকে নজর দিতে পারেন। সেরকম লক্ষ লক্ষ অবিবেচক, susceptible & fickle ভোটার তুষ্ট করতে গিয়ে ন্যায়ের বিপক্ষে গিয়ে সঠিক মানুষদের অধিকার লংঘন করবেন না বা করতে উৎসাহ যোগাবেন না। সঠিক মেধাবী ন্যায়বান একজন অবশ্যই জানেন টুইরাদের কি বলতে হবে। কাজেই ন্যায় ও যথার্থতা বিচার করুন, সংখ্যার বিচার সবসময় নয়।

Thursday, July 16, 2015

A long night of dream

---------my six years---
There's gap between you and me
There's gap between dream and reality.

I see a baby, when I think to marry
I see a wave, when I feel my heart beat
I see a cool forest, when I feel no cloud, no shade on my head.
I see a naked baby cultivating, when I feel to destroy anything.

Wrong everything wrong in the way they learned
Wrong everything wrong in the hearts of your land.
I know it flames and your face mingles
       As my eyes catching your eyes in dream.
It hopes, it peace my mind feels.
Oh! God let me know where to go.
Gap exists in reality - the devil knocked my shoulder from the back
Oh! God give me power to cut his hand.
I found you fearful, jumped onto my chest,
I found you in the wave of dirty males.
I found you swimming, trying to reach me,
But in the reality you refused to catch me.
You may know all the reasons
I know only one - why gap exists?

I was torn, I was vagabond,
I was, as I was in the sea as buoyant
Just to see and to extend hand.
I would accept you, I would love you, I would venerate you
I won't see anything dirty in you,
My desired incipient; I deserve you

I do not accept them, I do not love them,
There's no respect, there's no success
As long as I am not getting you purified on my chest.
I would respect you, I would obey you
I would make you my deity.

Wrong wrong, everything wrong
   They make you fascinated, make you adultered.


You came to become as the God deserves, not to be that the devil ------.
They tried to make me pious as they are
They tried to teach you, but you know what's that
And what happened in you from six to twelve years.
You came in the race that believe in no face.

By: Rasal Hasan Lia

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Perception

There is a Creator.
All human beings will face HIS justice.
Heaven and hell are not for any particular religion.
Religions show the ways to live in such a manner that help the followers feel HIS existence always and thereby restrain themselves from committing sin. 
Believers are those who can rely on HIM and do not fear anything at any place in establishing right. Such devoutness on HIM restrains human beings from the influence of power, money, emotion that induce for committing sin. Human beings never should dare to test or examine others’ depth of devoutness on Him as there is the Creator who is the best justice for doing so. Human beings can ask only if any ones activities or attitudes are harmful or disturbing for others.  
Everyone has his/her own ability and ability to receive advices from others and ability to perceive HIS existence. Devil should not be given any chance in form of any greed or fear when someone is acting with others. His/her attitudes, behavior and relationship with anyone should only be settled by what S/he has and by the same of the person(s) to whom S/he is acting; and must not be imposed or dominated by any third person(s) unless the counter party is abusing power. 
As there is the Creator who is the most powerful and the best judge, human beings should not dare to give any punishment when a person(s) is committing sin with HIM in attending prayer or in any other form that does not affect no other human beings, but can only advise and remind that person(s). 
There are some sins that affect others and there are some sins that do not affect others. Human beings efforts to establish justice should be confined to the extent to which the sinful activities affect others. Regardless of the power and position of the guilty, the society should compel the guilty, if his/her activities wrongfully affect others, to compensate. The Creator can forgive anyone, if the person prays for the apology with pure mind. If the person purely wants to be relieved from the curse of sin, s/he must be willing to sacrifice everything. If the sin affects others adversely, the person must be willing to sacrifice everything to compensate for the victim. Though HE can do everything, forgiveness is subject to the criminals efforts to compensate and sacrifice for their misdeeds. For gaining self benefit, no one should harm others. Human beings can commit harm to a concerned criminal only for the purpose of protecting dominated innocents. 
Setting belief doesnt mean setting belief on any particular religion. It means to believe that everything is visible to HIM, HE can read our minds, and our minds know what is good and what is bad. Good and bad in the sense of its impact on self and others. 
Human beings represent HIM when they think and act for the welfares. Human beings may be influenced by the devil when they harm others for getting self benefit. Human beings may fall in trap by the devil as it is given some power by The Creator. But human beings must be able to leave the devil by leaving greed and deceitful act of exploiting others. It is possible by strengthening the devoutness to The Creator.
If someone is adversely affected by a person(s) who accepts and discloses his misdeed, the victim can protest, can ask for the explanation, can demand compensation and can ask anyone for help and The Creator may mercy the criminal upon his prayers provided that the criminal does not abuse his worldly power to undermine the victim. If the criminal abuses his power and the victim is helpless i.e. if the victim can not compel the criminal, the victim asks only to The Creator for help. The Creator does not accept the mercy petition by the criminal(who is bearing the curse of the victim) unless the criminal compensates. If the criminal disagree or conceal the fact or commit the misdeed and do not let the victim know, (the criminal is bearing the curse of the victim) the creator will not accept his mercy petition unless the criminal becomes willing to sacrifice and compensate.
Both the heaven and hell are created for human beings. Only The Creator will determine the fate. Human beings should not bother what will happen, attending prayers certainly do not ensure anything, they should attend prayers so that they can keep them free from committing sin and free from curse of others and thereby can be spiritual and confident. No one should dare to test the belief and devotion of others. It is only The Creator can and do the test always. The fate will be determined based on not only the prayers, but on the extent to which they are receiving and implementing the teaching of prayers.   
Attending prayers can help human beings strengthen the devoutness to HIM with the knowledge that HE maintains equality in paying rewards and punishment based on activities on earth. Prayers develop the valence for rewards at resurrection, and it is his/her activities, attitudes and relationship with others that contributes to the development of expectancy of getting desired results. 
A human being is sent on earth not for him/herself only, what they are given, given for all. Everyone is given some capability. They must use it to render benefits for themselves and for others without committing harm to any innocent. If anyone can pass the life without committing harm to any innocent and can sacrifice for and contribute to the wellbeing of others except criminals who still do not apology with pure mind, if s/he is free from the curse of others except any concerned criminals, and always remember and try to please the Creator, will reach haven regardless of the religions s/he belong to. 
Telling lie and concealing a fact are not the same. Similarly a true speech may not present the truth. A true speech sometimes may be treated as a sin, if it creates contradiction in revealing a fact and if there is a bad intention of getting self benefit undermining others. The speakers know which one is a sin and which one is not a sin. 
Everyone can feel HIS existence if everyone can stay isolated for some time and can view the world as nothing and willing to sacrifice everything for and pray for any natural instance. Everyone must remember that S/he has or has given nothing extraordinary. Prophets are prophets because they could present themselves as ordinary human-beings. They never forget their own status. They apply what they are given by Him to be capable for teaching the right and can sacrifice everything of personal benefits for establishing the right.
All human beings do not have same capability. They may acquire and preserve assets as they can. But they must use it for the wellbeing. They should not abuse it to dominate others. All should be given similar opportunity. All should remember that they are given the capability, power and responsibility of, by HIM who is the only owner of everything, utilizing resources; therefore people if want to please HIM, should give others opportunity to realize their potentials. There is no limit or barrier of kindness. Those who have the capability should spend for others based on the potentials. For achieving His satisfaction, try the best to sacrifice and help others. Keeping natural resources unused incurs opportunity costs on others. The gap between the rich and the poor must be reduced offering equal opportunity. Otherwise the natural remedy takes place. 

There is scope to rethink the essence of spending money for Haj, watching and keeping the babies of the same country hungry in uncertainties. There is scope to rethink with the debate whether bank interest is permissible or not wherein women who are exchanging for money can be free from such profession getting loans. The bank interest should not be viewed as that the opportunity seekers, who compel the poor when they are in need to agree to borrow at an unbearable interest rate with the intention to snatch the mortgaged property upon the default, do. Earning interest on goods and earning interest on money is not same. Earning interest on lending money is not a sin if the interest rate is affordable and adjusted with the purchasing power of money. Interest is needed to compensate or payback the lender same purchasing power. 
When human-beings are asking for HIS forgiveness and kindness, they must first try their best to acknowledge, contribute and compensate if they gain benefit from anyone, and/or if their actions, thinking or speech adversely affect anyone innocent. Innocent in the sense that s/he didnt commit any harm to the person asking for HIS forgiveness. 
Except the Creator, no one can read others minds. No one should dare to act like the Creator and to determine the fate of others and to influence the opportunity without asking and knowing the minds of others. Those who have the knowledge and ability can advise others and can show others merits and demerits of many paths, but should not compel or influence to compel to choose any particular path. If someone imposes decisions on others or influence from the back without asking or knowing the minds, the dominator must take the responsibility and must compensate if the dominated is adversely affected. HE can do anything but HE follows HIS rules. Some of HIS creatures dare to break and influence rules. It is a great sin when the fate of others involve.  
Everyone has the right to accept, reject, criticize but everyone must believe that there is only one Creator who can read minds, HE is the most powerful and HE is the best judge. Even if someone burns a religious constitution, there is the Creator for the punishment; but if anyone steals or burns someones book or property, worldly justice must be applied and the criminals prayers for HIS forgiveness will reach, if the criminal first be willing to sacrifice everything for and compensate to the victim. 
All religions were perfect but the human beings fail to exert the knowledge of keeping themselves free from exploiting others. All religions will become false if the believers believe that people belong to other religions go to hell. Everyone is given the ability to think and choose the best path. Human beings can explain and criticize each path with the belief that nothing and no mind is concealable to HIM who is the best judge. 

Blieve and keep in mind that the Creator exist and read minds
All thinking, attitudes, activities and motions will be judged again
Apply justice
Ensure the best use of what you have
Commit no harm
Sacrifice the best to compensate for getting mercy
Be grateful and provide rewards for the benefits from others
Help without any intention but to get bless
Attend prayers to realize the Creator and to remain on track
Earn, consume and enjoy, and help others for the same
Sacrifice today’s unethical enjoyments for eternal peace
Remain and help others to remain with LIA(Lawful and Intelligent Aisle).

(Rasal Hasan Lia)
------Nayatola, Dhaka.
July 24,2007
rasal_hasan_lia@ yahoo.com(deactivated) 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Rubric : There's hiatus in love

Rubric : There's hiatus in love
(A Story by: Rasal Hasan Lia)

The man is sleeping. Is he dead?
I was observing him. An old man, matted hair. He was sitting alone, probably was in a deep meditation. I can't understand when and how he went there. Probably I became fascinated, two hilarious teen girls were following him, "I am certain he is unmarried and waiting for me".
"Yes, I'm for him and he is for me"
A tall girl, in a shining yellow veil embroidered with many many small red roses was saying to her classmate about that unknown thin old man...
I became fascinated. But the pretty girl is not looking at me. What's there with the old man. I coughed, but no response. "You don't know, the man is so hot that no stroke is needed. I could be totally succumbed if I can pass some time grasping his hand."Friend, please ask my Mom to call him for me, please arrange the wedlock." Her friend starts to laugh but can't continue. The tensed girl: "Please, don't undermine. I known he is for me."
Today few minutes ago, I saw them. Her classmate was saying "look, your husband is waiting". The girl nips the raised finger, "please stop", she sways and takes a long breath that ends with a smile of appease.
"What a fear I had when I started to talk to your father, I became afraid. He tantalized me. But at last, he just told " Anu will marry tomorrow, I am arranging everything."
"Thank you very much.
"Anu, do you have total faith on your parents? All are not so easy as you are"- Her friend says.
"Don't despise. The God is doing everything."
"God does nothing, He just built a system. Touch ice, it's cool. Touch fire, it's hot."
I watched them few moments ago. Her mother pulled her and she tried to turn back to have a sight. I come to see his pulse, as I bow he opens the eyes and gets up. He looks forward to seeing the path, the girl went. I look behind. A howling crowd is coming. The girl is sleeping on a van, her face is opened now- a bourgeoning yellow rose in blood. Her mother howls: "Don't search for my son, he is innocent, my daughter jumped only from the roof." Her father doesn't say anything, he looks at the old man, frowns and stars to tremble.
By: Rasal Hasan Lia

Sunday, June 7, 2015

brief story from diary

When will they learn?

Yes, the sunset was visible when she was telling “I’ve puberty”. She was not a young girl- she was a girl of 8 years. How was she taught the term and the meaning in a society where people ought to be sensitive to taboo as they are usually sensitive to the regularity in attending religions prayers? The sun sets and the same sun rises again but the flowers that loose petals leaving the empty whorls experienced of insects’ role will not bloom again. Obviously babies can’t protect themselves as the flowers can’t. Flowers end but the babies remain.

The perfect strong men know that it's not happenstance or sinful headlong practice but it's a holly path of love, his girl will come to approach again and again to be succumbed and will be closer as her mind desires; provided that she is not becoming a victim of any sinful licentious pleasure by any other male.

What would happen if the God would come on earth as a human being? Whom and how would he marry? Could he do that? Could S/he get who is heavenly set as his/her partner? He is determined to marry an unscrewed virgin girl and simultaneously he is not to tell lies. Do the girls chaste and remain virgin  until  they legally and socially get married? Baby thinks because all most all of the Muslims are teaching their children Islamic religion or sending the children in Maktab for that purpose. Baby thinks what the children do thereafter. Do they chaste? Do they also learn telling lies and pretending? Or do they think honestly that the teaching is invalid?  

Then she was a girl of class five. Her father and mother left the house keeping her alone. After passing a day she alone in the empty house performs Namaz and prays so that she finds Baby. Baby remembers the girl's most dazzling moment. Baby was going to her house and the girl with her classmate was coming for school. As soon as she sees Baby, she becomes speechless. She starts to hurtle, stands before and gazes eyes; seems she is not taking breath. She starts to flip and gurgle 'daran, Stop;‘ and her hands were trying to catch Baby’s shoulder. Baby raises his own hands and hangs them just above her flying fingers which were trying to reach the baby's neck; but she turns and shows back -a slow wave in the body was saying something like 'catch me'.

She laughs and  hurtles, "what will I do in your house?".
They are walking together. She is trying to pull her toes to be taller.
"Sir, what will you do if I go to your house?"
Baby: "why are you talking so much? I passed many days in your house. What did you do? By the by, I told you not to say me sir, I am not your teacher. "
She becomes faint for seconds and again enthusiastically says "Are not you alone in the house? You are alone, I shall not come?"
"Alone! so what!"

With the momental smile, he looks back again to see the girl - the dreamy girl who half a decade ago  first appeared in a dream- now disappeared in the darkness. But he can't forget her and can't decide what should he do with the girl. He never likes to get anything used to use as his own.

They assault. Baby wants to know the reason.

They say “you are anti religious”

No, I have my own religion, Non-muslim doesn’t mean Anti-religious.

“You are Muslim, you have circumcised your prepuce.”

I didn’t and the God didn’t, but you Muslim imposed that on me before I become matured enough to understand and accept religion. I won’t do.

“You scolded our prophet”

No, I told ‘as long as you are bad, you are making your prophet the prophet of bad people. Your religion doesn't permit sex without marriage. Violation of law is also not permitted. Buy how many boys and girls of you can remain virgin until they legally get matured to marry? I believe in freedom, but your religion doesn’t. You are making your religion void and you are making your prophet a prophet of terrors.

They hit on head and legs. They go away thinking Baby is dead.

(Rasal Hasan Lia, email: rasal_hasan_lia1@yahoo.com rasal.hasan.lia@gmail.com)